pw02coverWelcome to episode #10 of Project Wideawake—bringing you music you won’t find on your radio.

As before, we have new and improved production values. If you are upset about the delay between podcasts, just keep thinking “new and improved production values, new and improved production values…”


As always, all links will open in a new window. Click with wanton abandon.


Just a reminder—this show doesn’t work as hard to earn its NSFW label as the “Silent Noise Project”, but it still earns it. You have been warned.

This episode’s music:

  • “Too Much Information” by Heifervescent (2:19)
  • “Italian Opera” by UV Protection (2:22)
  • “In the Cities” by Kontora Kooka (5:01)
  • “Talk” by Tacocat (2:46)
  • “Turtle” by The Wind Whistles (1:57)
  • “Strappi Bianchi” by Sakee Sed (3:06)
  • “A Man of Faith” by The Agrarians (3:00)
  • “What This Country Needs” by Ant Neely (3:44)

Episode #010 is 35 minutes and 25 seconds long and is 34 MB in size.


Heifervescent is an English band. Their website is here, and you can follow along on Twitter @heifervescent. Their latest album, Logic Decimator, is now out. Their music comes to us courtesy of Jamendo.


UV Protection

UV Protection made glorious music just over ten years ago. Originally, from the Massachusetts College of Art, at least one member has gone on to form a new band, The Secret Sea. I will definitely be playing more of their music, so keep your ears open. Their music comes to us via the Free Music Archive.

Kontora KookaKontora Kooka is the Russian duo of Vladimir Elizarov and Victor Gurov. That’s all I know. They come to us courtesy of the Clinical Archives.

Tacocat is, of course, “tacocat” spelled backward. It is also four best friends—Emily Nokes (vocals, tambourine), Eric Randall (guitar), Lelah Maupin (drums), and Bree McKenna (bass)—who make great music. You can find out more about them on, or follow them on Twitter @tacocats. Their music comes to us courtesy of the the Free Music Archive. No album cover make Hulk sad.

Wind WhistlesThe Wind Whistles is a folk duo of Tom and Liza. They are on MySpace. Their music comes to us courtesy of Jamendo.

Sakee SedSakee Sed is an Italian group. This song is off their EP, Ceci N Est Pas Un EP. (Bonus points if you get the reference. They come to us courtesy of the Clinical Archives.

The Agrarians album coverThe Agrarians no longer make their own particular brand of beautiful music. And that make Hulk sad, too. (You didn’t know the Hulk listens to my podcast, did you?) Their music comes to us courtesy of the Free Music Archive.

Ant NeelyAnt Neely is actually Antony Neely, an English composer and musician, with a very eclectic style. His music comes to us courtesy of the Free Music Archive. His website is here.


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Donors automatically get a shout-out. If you can’t/won’t/forgot to support, you can still get a shout-out. Just send me a message in the best way you know how.

The link to the forum I mentioned at the end is here.

The treachery of images…



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