Just a few things I noticed when looking through my spam folder.
Just a few things I noticed when looking through my spam folder.
Every once in a while I take a close look at some of the messages in my spam folder, because there are some real bits of humor there. Here’s one that tries real hard—and almost succeeds—at not looking like spam: That’s an admirable effort, but let’s face it, Dan: the reason your message ended up …read more…
I help out in a number of forums online; the two big ones are the WordPress support forums and the Graphene Theme support forum. In general, I enjoy helping people out, partly because I have received a lot of help there myself, and partly because I learn quite a bit that way. But every once …read more…
When I first started a personal blog, I had no idea what to do with it. I thought I would post a few recipes, write about my weekend at the beach, and that would be about it. Instead, this blog became a tremendous learning experience for me. I started podcasting (thanks to Wil Wheaton and …read more…
Sometimes the comment spam I get is oddly poetic. Here’s one I recently got on one of my other blogs: “As a transcribe gentleman’s gentleman I liked to predisposition in living soul , carry from it what you can and actively liquidate gain of every moment. Pooped elucidate days in the backyard with his friends …read more…
Amazing that an anti-spam plugin author would spam in the #WordPress forums. #irony "If you do it, it's spam; if I do it, it's promotion." — Professor O (@iswpw) May 27, 2013 You can read about it in the WordPress forum here. Kind of ironic that someone who is promoting an anti-spam plugin would resort …read more…
I’ve wanted to create a plugin for WordPress for some time now. I have plenty of ideas for them (mostly scholarly or academic uses). The only problem is I don’t have enough knowledge of how WordPress operates to really accomplish that. What I know about PHP is not much. However, I was a biology major …read more…
Sometimes I just get tired of dealing with certain things… I use Akismet on all my blogs to deal with comment spam. Even though WordPress automatically adds the nofollow tag to any link in its comments, and therefore those links do absolutely nothing for your SEO, there are still people stupid enough to spam my …read more…
Finally got through a couple of posts I had started earlier and never got around to finishing. So I finished them and posted them. If you’ve been following the RSS feed for this blog, then you might have noticed them just suddenly showing up in the feed. Sorry if your universe is wobbly as a …read more…
I’m still trying to get my head around how to think about this blog. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far: 1) It’s like a television network, with different shows (Project Wideawake, Cherry-flavored Pez, small lucky waffle) that produce new episodes from time to time. 2) It’s like a magazine, with different departments (Project …read more…