Posts tagged with: writing

Digital Zines…

So…I did a thing. A while ago, I released an episode of the Silent Noise Project. I actually had really good notes for this one, and a lot of background information. Quite frankly, I had a lot more material than I could fit into a show, and I had a lot of material that shouldn’t have …read more…

Silent Noise Project #011 — the even Jesus is drinking straight from the bottle now episode

Silent Noise Project Volume 2

Welcome to episode #11 of the Silent Noise Project. This episode is 44 minutes and 03 seconds long and weighs 60.2 megabytes, although your mileage may vary because, like I’ve said before, the internet gets superfreaky sometimes. The People’s Revolutionary Podcast Naming Committee has decreed that this episode shall be called “even Jesus is drinking straight …read more…

Getting things done…

I’m surrounded by paper, because I’m a writer who happens to prefer writing first drafts longhand (and with a pencil, at that!). I’m also a bit of a scribbler. I’ve become aware lately that I’ve started more projects than I’ve finished. I need to re-establish my habit of completion. I’ve also wanted to pare down …read more…

Everybody knows I have a writing utensil fetish. I came across some interesting sites the other day while searching for something else (I was trying to figure out how to create a limit in OpenOffice Math, actually). So I don’t forget them, here they are:

  • I Sell Pens — The name says it all: this guy sells all sorts of different pens, in all sorts of price ranges. The ink page alone is drool-worthy.
  • The Fountain Pen Network — I love fountain pens. This site has forums, a blog, a gallery (!), and a sales area.
  • Anderson Pens — An online pen store. All sorts of pens, all sorts of prices.


Published on 15 September 2015 at 1:24 pm

looking forward to getting over “the gap”

I was reading Wil Wheaton’s latest post, and he mentioned this video by Ira Glass: Wow, that really helped a lot! Thanks, Wil! I guess I now have to get something out on a regular basis. Trust me, I’m working on that! BTW, you can listen to This American Life here. It’s a great …read more…

postmodern paradigms…

I’m still trying to get my head around how to think about this blog. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far: 1) It’s like a television network, with different shows (Project Wideawake, Cherry-flavored Pez, small lucky waffle) that produce new episodes from time to time. 2) It’s like a magazine, with different departments (Project …read more…

New Year’s Resolutions for 2011

I don’t really like the idea of New Year’s resolutions, because it seems silly to wait until January 1 to change your life. If there’s something you want to do, then do it now. If there’s something you want to stop doing, then stop now. There’s never a perfect time to do anything, because there’s …read more…

Busy working on a paper…

Tentative title: “Emersonian and Du Boisian Double Consciousness and Assimilation: The Formation of Dual Characters in the Works of Sherman Alexie and Gene Luen Yang.” Eight pages down, with about another eight to go. It’s due by December 10 (at 9 pm?), so I’m spending all of my free time on that for now. Everything …read more…