Posts tagged with: get over yourself

About all those self-help books you’ve been meaning to read…

A journal entry about self-help books

I was going through some old files, and I found this in a journal entry from ten years ago: Ten years later, and I’m pretty much convinced that most of them are 5% common sense and 95% made-up bullshit about that little bit of common sense. To be fair, I guess this is to be …read more…

…just as the founding fathers intended…

Source: unknown.

Literally everything you need to know about conspiracy theories

You’re welcome.

Silent Noise Project #011 — the even Jesus is drinking straight from the bottle now episode

Silent Noise Project Volume 2

Welcome to episode #11 of the Silent Noise Project. This episode is 44 minutes and 03 seconds long and weighs 60.2 megabytes, although your mileage may vary because, like I’ve said before, the internet gets superfreaky sometimes. The People’s Revolutionary Podcast Naming Committee has decreed that this episode shall be called “even Jesus is drinking straight …read more…

Moving, Again

I have moved again, hopefully for the last time for a bit. I need to catch my breath. I’ll be at this place for a bit, because while it’s not the best place ever, it is roomy. I have a smallish, but perfectly functional kitchen and dining room (complete with an icemaker—time to start making …read more…

how to have a good day

I went to the local temple of mass consumption the other day because I needed a few groceries, and I also needed to return some empty soda bottles. I was having an okay day, but was surprised to see that the parking lot was packed. All the big holidays are over, and as far as …read more…


Self-government won’t work without self-discipline. —Paul Harvey I never was a fan of Paul Harvey. He segued from news to ads so smoothly that many of his listeners didn’t realize that he was advertising a product, rather than just talking about something he tried out. Pretty deceptive, if you ask me. Still, I found the …read more…

how to annoy the easily annoyed…

As a lot of you know, I work as a moderator at the Graphene forum. Graphene is easily the most customizable theme for WordPress, which is the software I use to run all my blogs. On any given week, I spend between 10 and 30 hours helping folks out there, all in my spare time, …read more…