Posts tagged with: Twitter

If You Follow Me on Social Media, part 2

A long time ago, I published this because at one point I was an enthusiastic believer in the power of social media.  No longer. I haven’t posted on Instagram for a while. This was my last post:             View this post on Instagram               …read more…

Silent Noise Project #012 — there’s no time like a little bit later episode

Silent Noise Project Volume 2

Welcome to episode #12 of the Silent Noise Project. This episode is 56 minutes and 06 seconds long and weighs 74.9 megabytes. If your mileage varies, it’s possible that you’re a victim of sabotage. The People’s Revolutionary Podcast Naming Committee has decreed that this episode shall be called “there’s no time like a little bit …read more…

If You Follow Me on Social Media

This is a quick guide to all the places you can find me on social media and what to expect when you finally get there.

NSFW/NSFS. You have been warned.

Outrage Monkeys

For some reason, I had bookmarked this page on John Scalzi’s blog, and had completely forgotten about it until the other day, when I reread it and decided to add “outrage monkey” to my glossary page. I have to admit, I completely forgot what he was writing about, until I got to the end where …read more…

So, this happened last week…

feel the noize…

I did not watch the Super Bowl, because I did not have a dog in that fight. Also, I was snowed in thanks to superstorm Linus, and it is depressing to sit home and drink beer and eat nachos and watch the Super Bowl by yourself. Instead, I watched a documentary about Quiet Riot. And …read more…

Upgraded to WordPress 3.4…

…and I got this message: which is so cool I had to tweet about it: Just upgraded to WordPress 3.4. Oh, yeah! #blog #blogging #wordpress #awesome — Professor O (@iswpw) June 14, 2012   But this is the sucky part: As cool as those new Twitter embeds are, there’s no way to center them, or …read more…

Busy working on a paper…

Tentative title: “Emersonian and Du Boisian Double Consciousness and Assimilation: The Formation of Dual Characters in the Works of Sherman Alexie and Gene Luen Yang.” Eight pages down, with about another eight to go. It’s due by December 10 (at 9 pm?), so I’m spending all of my free time on that for now. Everything …read more…