Posts tagged with: hedgehogs will never be jealous of me

About all those self-help books you’ve been meaning to read…

A journal entry about self-help books

I was going through some old files, and I found this in a journal entry from ten years ago: Ten years later, and I’m pretty much convinced that most of them are 5% common sense and 95% made-up bullshit about that little bit of common sense. To be fair, I guess this is to be …read more…

Silent Noise Project #012 — there’s no time like a little bit later episode

Silent Noise Project Volume 2

Welcome to episode #12 of the Silent Noise Project. This episode is 56 minutes and 06 seconds long and weighs 74.9 megabytes. If your mileage varies, it’s possible that you’re a victim of sabotage. The People’s Revolutionary Podcast Naming Committee has decreed that this episode shall be called “there’s no time like a little bit …read more…

Weekend Reading #005

Just a few things I’ve read lately that you might like to peruse over the weekend… The Public Domain Review usually posts interesting articles about things which are with us, but uncommon. But their essay “The City That Fell Off a Cliff” by Matthew Green tells the story of something that is no longer with …read more…

Journals, Part Three

It’s been two years (and a bit) since I last talked about my journaling process. Not much has changed really. I usually use a 70-page wide-ruled notebook. When I was teaching, I would stock up on these during the summer back-to-school sales when you could get six or seven for a dollar. I still have …read more…

Silent Noise Project #011 — the even Jesus is drinking straight from the bottle now episode

Silent Noise Project Volume 2

Welcome to episode #11 of the Silent Noise Project. This episode is 44 minutes and 03 seconds long and weighs 60.2 megabytes, although your mileage may vary because, like I’ve said before, the internet gets superfreaky sometimes. The People’s Revolutionary Podcast Naming Committee has decreed that this episode shall be called “even Jesus is drinking straight …read more…

Journals, Part Two

Yeah, I’m still keeping up with the journal(s). It’s a nice way to end the day, and it’s a good way to keep track of certain things. (Or, at least it would be if I ever bothered to go back and look through them. And I’m still using up old notebooks. Good lord, I have no …read more…


I started writing in a journal again a while back. I started doing this‒I don’t know, maybe 18 years ago, after reading Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. (Good book, that. I wish I still had my copy.) Following her example, I just wrote everything down in a standard 70-page school notebook. They go on …read more…