Posts tagged with: Canadian bonus

Project Wideawake #011

Welcome to episode #11 of Project Wideawake—bringing you music you won’t find on your radio. As before, we have new and improved production values. If you are upset about the delay between podcasts, just keep thinking “new and improved production values, new and improved production values…” Hey, I never did say I was getting good …read more…

Canada is such an anal place….

Teacher says every time you laugh at a Canada joke, an angel drops down dead. (With apologies to both J.M. Barrie and Jimmy Stewart.)

…dang, that is kinda funny…

This is oddly addictive: I first saw this over on The Bedroom List (an awesome blog, btw, but probably NSFS). Please Leave On, the creator of this video, is Canadian. Yeah! If you can’t get enough of that, here’s another one. Don’t take the long way; you might miss it!

it’s gonna be a wonderful day…

This is what happens when you try to clean up your hard drive a bit: you find files that seemed terribly important to save at the time, and now you have no idea why you even bothered. A lot of them got binned, but this one seemed happy enough to keep and share. I think …read more…

Project Wideawake #006

Welcome to episode #6 of Project Wideawake. This Episode’s Tunes “Canada Loves You” by Rubber Clown Car (4:73) “Popcorn” by TenPenny Joke (3:58) “Songstress’ Sweet Song” by The Agrarians (2:20) “We Are All Bears” by Tinyfolk (3:15) “Cryin Eyes” by Old Lights (3:04) “Country Love” by Benji Hughes (3:11) “More Than I Need” by Philip …read more…

Project Wideawake #004

Welcome to episode #4 of Project Wideawake. This episode’s tunes Nine songs this time! Count ’em! I possibly should have broken this up into two podcasts. “Velvet Embracer” by the Diablo Swing Orchestra (4:05) “When the end sits next to you” by Island near the clouds (1:23) “El Camino Love Song” by Chop Suzy (3:24) …read more…