Blog Archive

…a funny thing happened on the way to Google Images…

If you’ve ever seen the movie Stand By Me, you’ll remember a wonderful scene where Gordie (played by Wil Wheaton) is pretending to shoot a gun owned by Chris’s dad. Having been reassured by Chris (played by River Phoenix) that the gun was unloaded, he pulls the trigger, blasting a hole in a garbage can …read more…

…dang, that is kinda funny…

This is oddly addictive: I first saw this over on The Bedroom List (an awesome blog, btw, but probably NSFS). Please Leave On, the creator of this video, is Canadian. Yeah! If you can’t get enough of that, here’s another one. Don’t take the long way; you might miss it!

…it’s a part of my rock and roll fantasy…

It just will never get cooler than this. I wish I could remember where I found this image. Bonus: two of these people are Canucks. Can you guess which ones?

For some reason, I needed to hear Devo’s “Whip It”, so I headed over to YouTube and found this:

“Whip It!” by Devo

I was just a kid when that song came out, but I still love it. The video is a little questionable, though—slightly racist, slightly misogynistic. Still, gotta love that song.

I had to make that a link, because embedding of that video has been disabled at the request of Devo, which is a bit of a pisser, because it’s not taking anything away from them for people to watch a video hosted on their YouTube channel which is displayed here. Hosers.

Published on 4 April 2012 at 1:00 pm


Thanks to Jan for the recent contribution.

Published on 2 April 2012 at 8:08 pm

Venus-Jupiter Conjunction

For the month, we are very fortunate to have a beautiful conjunction between Venus and Jupiter. I managed to snap this shot on Friday night: Venus is at the top, and Jupiter is at the bottom. Just tonight, I noticed that the moon was beautifully aligned with these two planets. Here is the first image …read more…

Cutting Boards

I only use wooden or bamboo cutting boards. Plastic or acrylic ones dull your knives, and a dull knife on a slick surface (especially made slicker by the juice escaping from whatever you’re cutting up) is going to slip. Some people prefer plastic cutting boards in the mistaken belief that plastic ones don’t allow bacteria …read more…


Thanks to Greg Z. for the recent contribution.

Published on 9 March 2012 at 6:23 pm

Published on 15 February 2012 at 11:53 pm

The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot remain in the cradle forever.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Published on 12 February 2012 at 6:00 am

Our brains are dulled by the incurable mania of wanting to make the unknown known.

André Breton

Published on 30 January 2012 at 3:00 pm

the envelope please….

Just so I don’t forget, my new address is: Kenneth John Odle PO Box 215 Portage, MI 49081 You can send me stuff there. Here are the demographics of my new address. I’ve got a lot of stuff to get done in the next few days, so if you don’t hear from me in all …read more…

let’s make biscuits!

This has been a pretty strange day. I slept far later than I intended to—about 10:30. (Those of you who know me in real life know that 8:00 am is sleeping in for me, so 10:30 is like coming out of a coma.) Yesterday was a long day—about fourteen hours between the two jobs—and while …read more…