Blog Archive

Something I did that made my mom think I’m crazy

I bought a pair of slippers. That’s right: slippers. But know the history: I’ve always been a barefoot kind of guy. One of my main joys in life is going barefoot. When I get home, I take off my shoes. If it’s warm enough, I take off my socks. I just hate having anything on …read more…

Busy working on a paper…

Tentative title: “Emersonian and Du Boisian Double Consciousness and Assimilation: The Formation of Dual Characters in the Works of Sherman Alexie and Gene Luen Yang.” Eight pages down, with about another eight to go. It’s due by December 10 (at 9 pm?), so I’m spending all of my free time on that for now. Everything …read more…

First real snow of the season

I took my mother into Portage today, and drove through the first real snowfall of the season. We’ve had a few flakes here and there but until today, nothing really accumulated. But today we had maybe an inch or so—which, compared to what we can get over the course of the winter—is hardly anything at …read more…