Posts contained in the “Existence” category:

A Short History of America by R. Crumb

            View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by animation enjoyer (

If You Follow Me on Social Media, part 2

A long time ago, I published this because at one point I was an enthusiastic believer in the power of social media.  No longer. I haven’t posted on Instagram for a while. This was my last post:             View this post on Instagram               …read more…

About all those self-help books you’ve been meaning to read…

A journal entry about self-help books

I was going through some old files, and I found this in a journal entry from ten years ago: Ten years later, and I’m pretty much convinced that most of them are 5% common sense and 95% made-up bullshit about that little bit of common sense. To be fair, I guess this is to be …read more…

Consider January…

Adult me has always detested January. After three solid months of prepping for and celebrating holidays (Hallowe’en, Thanksgiving, Christmas), January is just boring. There are no big holidays that you celebrate with friends or family, the days are short and cold, the skies are always a formless grey, filled with a blanket of shapeless clouds.  …read more…

How to Translate Job Descriptions

The business world has its own weird way of communicating. It likes jargon and coded language. But never fear! Here is a translation of some of the most common phrases and expressions you’re likely to see in a job description.  “Challenging personalities” — You will work with assholes. All day, every day. “We’re looking for …read more…

When you are…

I don’t know where this originally came from. I found it the other day when I was clearing out some papers in my office.  When you are alone, mind your thoughts. When you are with friends, mind your tongue. When you are angry, mind your temper. When you are with a group, mind your behavior. …read more…

Religious Wars Explained

            View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by Peter Johanns (@peteytvprof) His entire account is pretty funny, actually. It was a bit of a shock to see him post this. But it’s true.

How to Translate Business Emails

The business world has its own weird way of communicating. It likes jargon and coded language. But never fear! Here is a translation of some of the most common phrases and expressions you’re likely to see in an email.  “Thanks in advance” — Get this done by the time I hit “send”. “Thanks for your …read more…

Cousin by Wilco

The cover for the Wilco album "Cousin"

Wilco is one of those bands that has always been running in the background of my life. I’m aware of them, I like their music, but I’ve never been a huge fan. I don’t know why, really. Not enough time? Not enough energy? (Okay, there are reasons for this that I will talk about at …read more…

Why I am neither a Christian nor a Capitalist

Why I am neither a Christian nor a Capitalista

Also…why these two things are completely incompatible.


So this came into my Instagram feed this morning:             View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by Art Never Sleeps (@artneversleeps) As an American, and as a member of a western, consumerist culture, this struck home …read more…

Field Notes — my latest zine

I have always wanted to do an eight-page zine, but could never figure out what the topic could possibly be.  Then I realized that I love to walk and listen to podcasts about creativity and get a lot of ideas which I promptly forget. So I decided to write down those ideas as I go. …read more…

I’m off to buy a sword

A post shared by GOD OF ART MEMES (@artmemescentral)