Upright basses and cellos are the original heavy metal instruments.
Posts contained in the “Modern Life” category:
Items from my life, and therefore, completely boring.
Goodbye, Instagram

So, a few months ago, this happened… Let’s talk about what this actually means. First of all, remember that when someone gives you something for free, such as Twitter, or Facebook, you are not the user. You are the product. Your actions are tracked, and that data is used to sell ads to companies who …read more…
I’ve been having a lot of conversations with people (who are mostly not people of color) about racism. Given the current political situation in the United States, how could I not? Unfortunately, I keep hearing the same tired arguments (“I’m color blind”, “everyone’s oppressed in some way”). More people need to read this:
Things Not To Say As a White Person When Talking About Racism (Updated)
The Day my Kid Went Punk
So this showed up in my Twitter feed the other day: I find the description especially disturbing: “What do you do when your bright, loveable, talented kid turns into a punker overnight?” The implication is that “punkers” are anything but bright, loveable or talented. Instead, they are just angry balls of bad clothing, bad hair, and …read more…
The Forest of Spam, Part 3
Every once in a while I take a close look at some of the messages in my spam folder, because there are some real bits of humor there. Here’s one that tries real hard—and almost succeeds—at not looking like spam: That’s an admirable effort, but let’s face it, Dan: the reason your message ended up …read more…
Protected: rogue waves
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The Forest of Spam, Part 2
Sometimes the comment spam I get is oddly poetic. Here’s one I recently got on one of my other blogs: “As a transcribe gentleman’s gentleman I liked to predisposition in living soul , carry from it what you can and actively liquidate gain of every moment. Pooped elucidate days in the backyard with his friends …read more…
The Forest of Spam, Part 1
Sometimes I just get tired of dealing with certain things… I use Akismet on all my blogs to deal with comment spam. Even though WordPress automatically adds the nofollow tag to any link in its comments, and therefore those links do absolutely nothing for your SEO, there are still people stupid enough to spam my …read more…
let’s make biscuits!
This has been a pretty strange day. I slept far later than I intended to—about 10:30. (Those of you who know me in real life know that 8:00 am is sleeping in for me, so 10:30 is like coming out of a coma.) Yesterday was a long day—about fourteen hours between the two jobs—and while …read more…
aliens keep stealing my pencils

I always take along a bunch of sharpened pencils when I substitute teach. I don’t want a kid sitting there doing nothing because they don’t have something to write with, and you would be surprised how many teachers don’t provide any sort of writing implement, and how many don’t have a functioning pencil sharpener in …read more…
something here does not make sense
Yesterday, I read on NPR that the stock market actually went down because Wall Street was worried about an economic slowdown. I don’t get it. We spent billions of dollars to bail out Wall Street, because their economy is basically our economy—Main Street just doesn’t matter any more, apparently. Reading this article made me realize …read more…