I hate it when spammers don’t even try. This showed up as a comment on my About page:

I wouldn’t mind this so much, except for the following:

  1. The spammer calls this an email, when this is clearly a comment.
  2. My domain will expire in 12 hours, which is not a time spam any legitimate company will ever use. (The spammers want you to panic and not take the time to do a bit of investigating.)
  3. My domain will expire in 12 hours if I don’t pay them. Well, it didn’t expire 12 hours after this comment first appeared on April 18, it didn’t expire 12 hours after this comment appeared again on May 15, and it didn’t expire 12 hours after it appeared yet a third time on May 20. 

The contact email address listed is . Time to sign them up for a little MailBait.

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