Posts contained in the “Modern Life” category:

Items from my life, and therefore, completely boring.

A few thoughts on the dumpster fire that is capitalism…part 2

Capitalism means I get charged $125 to cancel a $200 ticket by an airline that’s getting bailed out with my taxpayer money. — Laila Lalami (@LailaLalami) April 3, 2020 And what the hell, let’s toss one in for the ammosexuals:

This is beautiful

I’ve always loved Def Leppard and was beyond happy that they were (finally!) inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2019. I couldn’t be there, but this acceptance speech is one of the best I’ve ever heard: The look on Rick Allen’s face when the crowd gives him a standing ovation is …read more…

Why I don’t donate to Wikipedia (and other things)

I cleaned out my screenshots folder last weekend. These are among the goodies I found: I have experienced this in the past. I don’t know if it’s still a thing or not. Also this: When I was a kid in the 80s, watching these films, I didn’t live a life like any of them. (I …read more…

The Forest of Spam, Part 5

I hate it when spammers don’t even try. This showed up as a comment on my About page: I wouldn’t mind this so much, except for the following: The spammer calls this an email, when this is clearly a comment. My domain will expire in 12 hours, which is not a time spam any legitimate …read more…

Today is Friday, April 2, 2021

Today is Good Friday, although that means nothing to me because I am an agnostic/atheist. Mostly it means that a lot of people thought I would have the day off, but as this is a religious and not a federal holiday, I did not. Nevertheless, after our last shipment was picked up around 1:45, the …read more…

Welcome, Refugees of Humanity

  January 3, 2021 I’m not doing a new year resolution. I’m not. I absolutely refuse. I saw someone on Instagram say that you should do “intentions” instead of resolutions. I’m not sure what the difference is. Surely resolving to do something and intending to do something are pretty much the same thing? In reality, that’s …read more…


The 37-year old original article

A long time ago, I thought my life would go in a different direction. I would live in the country, have a wife and a bunch of free-range kids, and we would raise all our own food and save our own seed. This has nothing to do with “prepper” movement, many of whose adherents have …read more…

The Word Machine

2020 has been a busy year for me. I’m hoping that things slow down a bit in 2021 and I get to be more creative. Anyway, I ran across The Word Machine, by Timo Van Neerden. (It’s part of his web tools package, which you can find here.) In no time at all, I came …read more…

Journals, Part Two

Yeah, I’m still keeping up with the journal(s). It’s a nice way to end the day, and it’s a good way to keep track of certain things. (Or, at least it would be if I ever bothered to go back and look through them. And I’m still using up old notebooks. Good lord, I have no …read more…

A record of lies and deception

First, a couple of posts from your old pal, Wil Wheaton, that are actually true: When public health becomes a casualty of the right-wing culture war, innocent people will die What a Tragedy   And then, a great response to some who just says anti-tRumpers “just hate tRump”:


I started writing in a journal again a while back. I started doing this‒I don’t know, maybe 18 years ago, after reading Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. (Good book, that. I wish I still had my copy.) Following her example, I just wrote everything down in a standard 70-page school notebook. They go on …read more…

Humor in the time of Corona Virus

Because it’s necessary to laugh every once in a while.

Living in Quarantine – A Source List

The only way to defeat this pandemic is to practice social distancing. And for a lot of us, that means sheltering in place. Here are some resources to help you through this time.