Here are ten things. Enjoy. 1. I spent Canada Day like a true American That is, I spent most of the day shopping. It wasn’t my choice, but there you are. Eventually, all Americans end up at the mall and/or the liquor store. 2. I woke up alone and embarrassed… I had jury duty earlier …read more…
Posts tagged with: look closely at the monitor
…a noiseless patient spider…
I found this spiderweb in the grass outside my apartment one morning at the end of last month. If you look at it up close, it’s such a delicate, intricate little construction. It obviously reflects a great deal of work and skill in its construction. Coated with dew, it looks like a snug, almost magical …read more…
how did that happen?

I didn’t have to work Sunday, which meant I had Saturday night off (I’ll explain that later), so I brought my checkbook up to date (depressing) and balanced it for the last two months (also depressing), and then feeling I needed (and deserved) a little pick-me-up, I did a short episode (number five) of Project …read more…
Project Wideawake #002

Welcome to episode #2 of Project Wideawake. For those of you who didn’t get it the first time, here’s the 411 on the name of this project: In the second X-Men movie, there’s a scene where Mystique, disguised as Yuriko Oyama, breaks into Stryker’s computer. If you look closely at the monitor, you can see …read more…