Just got some things I’m going to leave right here. Enjoy your Saturday!
Just got some things I’m going to leave right here. Enjoy your Saturday!
When You Are Clearly Overqualified for the Dance Contest If you can’t see the video above, it’s because DreamHost has once again decided to fuck some of its customers, and not in a good way. Do not use DreamHost. While they are sometimes good (and used to be great) they are often a shitstorm of incompetence …read more…
I have to admit, I’ve tried this once before. Actually, I’ve tried it two—no, three times before. Well, the fourth time is the charm, isn’t it? Actually, I’m still reluctant about links, which is weird, because the whole point of the web is links. Links are why Tim Berners-Lee (god, I can’t wait to see …read more…
I love Twitter, but sometimes 140 characters is too limiting. Sometimes I have thoughts that are too long for it, but too short for a blog post. (I’m not going to post them on Facebook, which is private. Besides, I hate Facebook and hardly ever use it, except for business purposes.) I think what I’m …read more…