Earlier, I wrote about my less than satisfactory experience with TextBroker. In the interest of fairness, I sent them a message just after I published that initial post. This is what I said:
When I log in, your front page states: “As soon as we receive an article from you we evaluate it. Your rating is based on the average quality of your five most recent articles.” It’s been almost two months and my lasts articles have not been evaluated. My rating is not based on the average quality of my five most recent articles, but on the average quality of my first five articles. I am just wondering if there is some reason for the delay. Thank you, Kenneth Odle
I was amazed to get a response back within 24 hours, which, based on their previous response rate, qualifies as almost immediately. This is what they said:
Dear Kenneth,
You have only had five articles rated so far since you started writing for us. When we rate more of your articles, your rating will be based on the last five of those.
We rate articles in the order that they are received. We are currently working on orders from 9/06/11 and will get to your articles when we can.
Best Wishes,
Textbroker Support
Their email was received on 11 November 2011. By their own reckoning, they are over two months behind their “as soon as” statement.
Nevertheless, I will keep checking in. Like I said, I have no problem with TextBroker per se, except that some of their clients don’t know how to write a proper request and TextBroker is way behind evaluating articles. If you’ve had an interesting experience with TextBroker (good or bad), drop a comment and let the rest of us know.

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