In general, I am loathe to put a lot of links on this blog because a lot of them just die faster than the speed of meme. But sometimes I come across stuff that I could share on Twitter or Facebook, but that’s a lot of work keeping track of all of that, and someone important in my life could miss out on something that I thought was important for a nanosecond or two.

But then I was going through some old posts on Wil Wheaton’s blog (okay, I admit it, I was going through the “Games” category), and came across a link to a blog called Dubious Quality by a guy named Bill Harris, who does a post of links every Friday.

What a great idea,” I thought to myself. “I am totally stealing that.”

I don’t know that I’ll get around to releasing one of these every Friday, but whatever comes up will be available every Friday at 3:00 pm (UTC-4), so you’ll have plenty to talk about at happy hour. This first one is, obviously, late. I was actually hesitant to do this, but then I found the WP Lynx plugin, which provides a really cool way to include links to other sites in your blog, so yeah, I’m going ahead with this.

I like this picture:

Hey Oscar Wilde! It's Clobberin' Time!!! » Dustin Harbin…The city of Osgiliath from J.R.R. Tolkien's the Lord of the Rings

Hey Oscar Wilde! It’s Clobberin’ Time!!! » Dustin Harbin…The city of Osgiliath from J.R.R. Tolkien’s the Lord of the Rings Harbin…The city of Osgiliath from J.R.R. Tolkien’s the Lord of the Rings Further information on Dustin Harbin: Further information on the city of Osgiliath:

I posted a pic of my own:

overhead lines

overhead lines





This has got to be the coolest Pac Man incarnation ever. I wish it were real:

Pacman by ~mscorley on deviantART

Pacman by ~mscorley on deviantART entry for Freakshow6’s “Cover of a Cover” contest.Original game cover [link]Pac-Man is (c) Namco, the Namco logo is a registered tradmark of Namco, and the Nintendo logo and Nintendo Seal of Quality are registered trademarks of Nintendo.


This should inspire you:

The Art of M. S. Corley: inspiration

The Art of M. S. Corley: inspiration






That’s it until next time. See you then.


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