Blog Archive

I’m a Red Shirt!

So I took the Which Star Trek Character Are You? quiz that Jeff Baker offers on his web site. Guess what? I’m a red shirt! And proud of it! (I think.) Your results: You are An Expendable Character (Redshirt) An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 90% Spock 84% Geordi LaForge 75% Jean-Luc Picard 65% Data 64% James …read more…

Protected: How Facebook Became Meaningless to Me

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

And that is that…

For the first time in a long time, I didn’t bring any work home with me this weekend. I’m just beat and I needed a break, so I took one. This is what happened. Saturday, I went to the music store and spent money I didn’t have on a book of bass chords and another …read more…

New Personal Home Page

For the past ten years or so, I’ve always used my own index.htm file as the homepage for all my browsers, adding to it the links I visit the most. Over the years I added and deleted links, and occasionally tweaked the css, but for the past few years, it’s been pretty static. I recently …read more…

I’m in Brazil!

No, not really. But that’s what Facebook apparently thinks. After I logged out the other day, I noticed this ad: “Okay…” I thought. Let’s find out about that special rate. So I clicked and this is what the big blue FB showed me: Sadly, that’s funny for me, but not for Claro Brasil. After all, …read more…

The more media I have at my disposal, the more ways there are for me to work out my own ideas.

Cory Doctorow

Published on 3 August 2012 at 1:32 pm

In which I (kind of) learn how to create a WordPress plugin

I’ve wanted to create a plugin for WordPress for some time now. I have plenty of ideas for them (mostly scholarly or academic uses). The only problem is I don’t have enough knowledge of how WordPress operates to really accomplish that. What I know about PHP is not much. However, I was a biology major …read more…


Thanks to ElkNut Outdoor Productions for the recent donation.

You can view their site here.

Published on 19 July 2012 at 2:41 pm

Don’t need none of this Microsoft mojo

It’s kind of funny how things happen, isn’t it? I was at my parents’ house this morning, and read an article in Vanity Fair magazine called “How Microsoft Lost Its Mojo“. It’s an interesting read, and if half of what’s in that article is true, that is one screwed-up company. Of course, none of that …read more…

JPEG files – a small experiment

When publishing images to the web, you should usually use either .png or .jpg formats. The major difference between the two is that .jpg employs a lossy compression method, meaning that you can create smaller files by using a larger amount of compression, but you image quality will suffer. On the other hand, .png employs …read more…


Thanks to Eric S. for the recent contribution. It is much appreciated.

Published on 29 June 2012 at 8:37 pm


Self-government won’t work without self-discipline. —Paul Harvey I never was a fan of Paul Harvey. He segued from news to ads so smoothly that many of his listeners didn’t realize that he was advertising a product, rather than just talking about something he tried out. Pretty deceptive, if you ask me. Still, I found the …read more…


When I was growing up, I often ate migas for breakfast. Migas (Spanish for “crumbs”) is just corn tortillas fried in a pan with eggs added. Yes, this is peasant food. Inexpensive, fast and easy to make, and tasty peasant food. I still eat it today when I’m in a hurry for something good. Because …read more…