Posts contained in the “DIY” category:


Things are a little goofy on this blog now. If you’re viewing it on a desktop machine, everything should look pretty good. If you’re on a mobile device, things look a little wonky, as I’m still in the process of redesigning the mobile appearance. In addition, I’ve been going through and deleting unused or seldom …read more…

Updated my d12 Message Blocks Plugin

Doing so meant learning how to add an options page to a WordPress plugin (simple), creating different styles and stylesheets to match (tedious), and rewriting the plugin’s `readme.text` file and creating a lot of new screenshots (easier, now that I’ve developed a workflow for it). I really should write a press release for this on …read more…

this is a thing now…

Last spring, I wrote this. I was hoping that the thing that was going to be a thing would actually become a thing a month or two after I published that post. But it didn’t become a thing. Until now. This is why. I would like to say that I overthought parts of it, and …read more…

Clearing Out the Backlog…

Every once in a while, I redesign my blogs, partly because I get bored with the design, but mostly because I am trying to keep things as simple as possible. Sometimes upgrades with WordPress or some of my plugins mean I have to go in and tweak things, leaving a lot of code artifacts all …read more…

An Ewok Riding a DeLorean

I help out in a number of forums online; the two big ones are the WordPress support forums and the Graphene Theme support forum. In general, I enjoy helping people out, partly because I have received a lot of help there myself, and partly because I learn quite a bit that way. But every once …read more…

Make your own handwriting font

The most wonderful things come to me from Twitter, such as this: If you like your handwriting, here's how to turn it into a font — mariusthefrog (@mariusthefrog) March 21, 2015 That link (eventually) takes you to, where you can make a font based on your own handwriting. Best of all, it’s …read more…

Make Your Own Laundry Detergent

I had been researching for over a year how to make your own laundry detergent, I just haven’t the time or the energy to do it. While there are several recipes available online, I condensed them all into what I believe is the simplest one. So, as part of the “get excited and make stuff” …read more…