Capitalism is not your friend…
Capitalism is not your friend…
Well, it seems that the Trump presidency is a thing now. It’s hard to believe that the United States has its first white president, and he’s a Christian, to boot. Soon, white people will rise to the forefront of the power base in the United States, and they will be everywhere. Because of that, I wrote this …read more…
A good friend of mine recently sent me a link to “What I Told My White Friend When He Asked For My Black Opinion On White Privilege” by Lori Lakin Hutcherson, the editor of Good Black News, and said that as a result of reading it, he finally understood what white privilege is. In that …read more…
In the days after the election, I had many white friends who reacted to my dismay and outrage by saying that we would just have to “wait and see” what Trump would do. They reminded me that a lot of things get said in the heat of an election, which is true—President Obama and Secretary …read more…
So yesterday, I tweeted this: OMG America, please learn math. — Professor O (@iswpw) September 4, 2016 Here’s the story behind that tweet: Yesterday I went to Target and bought a few miscellaneous office supplies, because office supplies are good and cheap office supplies are even better. My order came to $3.32. I handed the …read more…
The man of self-confidence is often a compelling figure. Driven and focused, he is committed to bringing the world into line with his vision of how it should be. He may genuinely believe that his vision for the world is a good one, that the world will be a better place if he can shape …read more…
For some reason, I had bookmarked this page on John Scalzi’s blog, and had completely forgotten about it until the other day, when I reread it and decided to add “outrage monkey” to my glossary page. I have to admit, I completely forgot what he was writing about, until I got to the end where …read more…
Yesterday, I read on NPR that the stock market actually went down because Wall Street was worried about an economic slowdown. I don’t get it. We spent billions of dollars to bail out Wall Street, because their economy is basically our economy—Main Street just doesn’t matter any more, apparently. Reading this article made me realize …read more…