One of my favorite songs, written by Dolly Parton. Here’s her version: I apologize for the poor sound quality, but that’s an old television clip. Most people are aware of Whitney Houston’s version, which is one of the first times I’ve ever preferred a cover to the original, but what I did not know is …read more…
Posts tagged with: stuff that’s really cool
…migrants of servers in the silicon crack of history…
The server migration is complete…almost. Last night, I transferred CNAME records from my old host to my new host, WebFaction. While I was on my WebFaction control panel, I also recreated the email addresses that I would need. (There were some I had created that I never used, so I was able to pare the …read more…
I’m a Red Shirt!
So I took the Which Star Trek Character Are You? quiz that Jeff Baker offers on his web site. Guess what? I’m a red shirt! And proud of it! (I think.) Your results: You are An Expendable Character (Redshirt) An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 90% Spock 84% Geordi LaForge 75% Jean-Luc Picard 65% Data 64% James …read more…
Friday Links #1
In general, I am loathe to put a lot of links on this blog because a lot of them just die faster than the speed of meme. But sometimes I come across stuff that I could share on Twitter or Facebook, but that’s a lot of work keeping track of all of that, and someone …read more…
working through the backlog…
Finally got through a couple of posts I had started earlier and never got around to finishing. So I finished them and posted them. If you’ve been following the RSS feed for this blog, then you might have noticed them just suddenly showing up in the feed. Sorry if your universe is wobbly as a …read more…
Google and Les Paul
When a special event occurs, Google will show a special logo on its home page. Click on it, and it brings up a search on that topic. Today’s special event is the birthday of Les Paul, who was born on this day in 1915. Instead of a picture, it’s a postmodern electric guitar. Drag the …read more…