Blog Archive

…in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral…

During (and since) my recent aluminium incarceration, I’ve thought a lot about food. That is partly because while I was working insane hours, I craved the kinds of foods that I didn’t have time to prepare. In fact, while I was working there, I became a microwavarian, because I didn’t eat anything that didn’t come …read more…

to boldly go where yeah, whatever…

Something weird happened to me a few years ago. I was at my parents’ house, surfing through the channels they get more or less to justify my position on television: I pay nothing and get about twenty channels, of which only one or two rarely have something worth watching, so why should I pay $50 …read more…

Silent Noise Project #004

Welcome to Episode #4 of the Silent Noise Project. This episode is 46 minutes and 48 seconds long and 64.3 MB in size. You will want to insert the forks into your ears sometime around the 25-minute mark. I am so freakin’ tired right now I just copied most of this from the last episode …read more…

looking forward to getting over “the gap”

I was reading Wil Wheaton’s latest post, and he mentioned this video by Ira Glass: Wow, that really helped a lot! Thanks, Wil! I guess I now have to get something out on a regular basis. Trust me, I’m working on that! BTW, you can listen to This American Life here. It’s a great …read more…

How to Get Help from a Help Forum

I participate in a lot of help forums on the internet, and I was recently made a moderator on the Graphene theme for WordPress forum, which has been a tremendous opportunity for me to help others. This post is based on those experiences, both asking for help and giving help. While some of the advice …read more…

don’t know the name of this poem, but it fits this week, apparently

Defeat may serve as well as victory To shake the soul and let the glory out. When the great oak is straining in the wind, The boughs drink in new beauty and the trunk Sends down a deeper root on the windward side. Only the soul that knows the mighty grief Can know the mighty …read more…

mechanical things, apparently…

what scares you? It’s been a heck of a week, and I’m not sure about the current status of a lot of things, but I have figured out one thing that’s definitely sure: I’m not in the mood to like machines. I’ve never really liked machines all that much to begin with, but after working …read more…

upgrade day, apparently…

I’ve been trying to get some computer tasks done in between my OCD duties, like going through my inbox where I have accumulated almost 1300 messages (I know the clipping above says 1233, but I’d already cleaned some out) since I started working at the aluminum factory. So far, I have been asked to upgrade …read more…

why am i not where u want me to be?

or, why I may or may not be coming soon to a school near you… This has been a very strange week and I have not been at all well for most of it, but I want to take a moment here (and hope that I will be coherent for it) and address an issue …read more…

how did that happen?

I didn’t have to work Sunday, which meant I had Saturday night off (I’ll explain that later), so I brought my checkbook up to date (depressing) and balanced it for the last two months (also depressing), and then feeling I needed (and deserved) a little pick-me-up, I did a short episode (number five) of Project …read more…

photos from spring of 2010

I took these pictures last March (in 2010) and played around with them a bit in Photoshop. You can comment here or in the gallery to let me know what you think.

Project Wideawake #005

Welcome to episode #5 of Project Wideawake. I tried to keep it short. Again, feel free to comment on the songs, letting me know which ones you did and didn’t like. Also, let me know if you like the new shorter, more music, less talk format. Here are some very interesting facts about the number …read more…

Project Wideawake #004

Welcome to episode #4 of Project Wideawake. This episode’s tunes Nine songs this time! Count ’em! I possibly should have broken this up into two podcasts. “Velvet Embracer” by the Diablo Swing Orchestra (4:05) “When the end sits next to you” by Island near the clouds (1:23) “El Camino Love Song” by Chop Suzy (3:24) …read more…