Blog Archive

Pork Cutlets in the Air Fryer

Well, I did a thing: I created a cooking channel on YouTube. The first video is pork cutlets in the air fryer: If you need more of that, head on over and subscribe. And if you need less of it, then leave a comment here. Next up, I’ve got a couple of shopping videos, simple …read more…

Buying Stamps to Save Democracy

I can’t believe it’s come to this, but here we are. The current occupant of the White House has launched an attack on the Postal Service because he believes that mail in voting will lead to his losing the election. These are the facts: Mail-in voting has been happening since the Civil War. Voter fraud …read more…

Journals, Part Two

Yeah, I’m still keeping up with the journal(s). It’s a nice way to end the day, and it’s a good way to keep track of certain things. (Or, at least it would be if I ever bothered to go back and look through them. And I’m still using up old notebooks. Good lord, I have no …read more…

A record of lies and deception

First, a couple of posts from your old pal, Wil Wheaton, that are actually true: When public health becomes a casualty of the right-wing culture war, innocent people will die What a Tragedy   And then, a great response to some who just says anti-tRumpers “just hate tRump”:

Silent Noise Project #010 — the everything you touch is now contaminated episode

Silent Noise Project Volume 2

I’m still here. Welcome to episode #10 of the Silent Noise Project. This episode is 50 minutes and 38 seconds long and weighs 67.3 megabytes, although your mileage may vary because the internet gets superfreaky sometimes. The People’s Revolutionary Podcast Naming Committee has decreed that this episode shall be called “everything you touch is now …read more…


I started writing in a journal again a while back. I started doing this‒I don’t know, maybe 18 years ago, after reading Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. (Good book, that. I wish I still had my copy.) Following her example, I just wrote everything down in a standard 70-page school notebook. They go on …read more…

Humor in the time of Corona Virus

Because it’s necessary to laugh every once in a while.

Weekend Reading #004

Just some things to carry you through the weekend starting Friday, April 17, 2020. I just read Wei’s Dumpling Guide and now I’m pretty excited about making some Chinese dumplings in a weekend or two. And also, spring onion pancake (because I love green onions), cucumber salad, homemade bao (because, hello? Bao!), and of course, I’ll …read more…

Weekend Reading #003

Interesting things to read for the weekend starting Friday, April 10, 2020.

The Great Recession Archive Podcast — Episode 000

During the Great Recession I was living in a small, one-bedroom apartment in an out-of-the-way location that didn’t have high-speed internet—only dial-up. (This is relevant, believe me.) I had been working as a substitute teacher after going back to college to renew my teaching certificate. During the school year, I was able to work as …read more…

Weekend Reading #002

Reading for the weekend starting Friday, April 3, 2020.

Living in Quarantine – A Source List

The only way to defeat this pandemic is to practice social distancing. And for a lot of us, that means sheltering in place. Here are some resources to help you through this time.

Love in the Time of Toilet Paper

So…my local library challenged us to take the title of a book and replace one word with “toilet paper.” As it turns out, this is a lot of fun. Here’s the list I came up with. Can you remember which word was replaced? Love in the Time of Toilet Paper by Gabriel García Márquez Their …read more…