Posts contained in the “Uncategorized” category:

$1200 worth of adventures in retail-land

Today was officially a good day, since I had a job interview after work, and was immediately offered the position. Good things about this job: It’s for a very good company (I checked this out) that has an excellent retention rate. It’s retail, and I got mad skillz at working retail, because I have really …read more…

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.

Charles Darwin

Published on 13 November 2011 at 8:25 pm

introducing…Vice President Pikachu!

As an example of the level that political discourse has sunk to in the United States (in which it is no longer necessary for those aspiring to the presidency to bother to check their sources), Herman Cain has told audiences (more than once apparently): “A poet once said, ‘life can be a challenge, life can …read more…

freelance follies, part one point five

Earlier, I wrote about my less than satisfactory experience with TextBroker. In the interest of fairness, I sent them a message just after I published that initial post. This is what I said: When I log in, your front page states: “As soon as we receive an article from you we evaluate it. Your rating …read more…

…i will be collating all weekend long…

I am still tweaking this blog. I have finally got the appearance the way I want it, and although I am still tweaking bits and pieces of it, I believe most of my work is done there. Now, on to the structure. I am starting with the menus. Using Kalin’s Post List plugin, I am …read more…

freelance follies, part one

I said a while ago that I was going to explore various online freelancing opportunities to see how much money I could make with them. The first one I tried was TextBroker. It’s pretty straightforward, really: you sign up, and look through lists of articles that people want you to write in order to make …read more…

i have a qr code…

…and it looks like this: I have no idea what to do with it. Just put it on some stickers and then put them all over the place, maybe.

How the new “Star Trek” movie should have ended.

I was really looking forward to the latest Star Trek movie (i.e., the one from Jar Jar Abrams), but it turned out to be just a tired retread of the last Star Trek movie: ugly Romulans (read: foreigners, illegal aliens, Arabs, people from India, Muslims, people with beards, Mexicans, Democrats, people with turbans, people with …read more…

working through the backlog…

Finally got through a couple of posts I had started earlier and never got around to finishing. So I finished them and posted them. If you’ve been following the RSS feed for this blog, then you might have noticed them just suddenly showing up in the feed. Sorry if your universe is wobbly as a …read more…

you are now free to wander about the cabin…

Not long after the aluminium incarceration came to an end, I wanted to spend a great deal of time reading. Reading has always been one of the great pleasures in my life, but a guilty pleasure. All that time spent reading really should be spent doing something productive, or so my inner Puritan told me. …read more…

a thought about the upcoming US election cycle…

Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion than democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. Isaac Asimov For a really cool picture of Isaac Asimov, check on this art print by Rowena. For more information about Isaac …read more…

the toad elevating moment…

It is safe to say that this has been the worst summer I have ever had. As much as I would like to say that it has been awful because of health problems, or my business going under, or because of my impending divorce, I can’t. I don’t live a tabloid life. This summer has …read more…

…i believe in miracles…

Okay, I’m staying up too late trying to get some work done that has to be done by tomorrow, and I have to get up early and go to work, and listening to this is what is giving me enough energy to get this all done. I’m only posting this here so I can listen …read more…