View this post on Instagram A post shared by animation enjoyer (@an.i.ma.tion)
View this post on Instagram A post shared by animation enjoyer (@an.i.ma.tion)
Also…why these two things are completely incompatible.
So this came into my Instagram feed this morning: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Art Never Sleeps (@artneversleeps) As an American, and as a member of a western, consumerist culture, this struck home …read more…
January 3, 2021 I’m not doing a new year resolution. I’m not. I absolutely refuse. I saw someone on Instagram say that you should do “intentions” instead of resolutions. I’m not sure what the difference is. Surely resolving to do something and intending to do something are pretty much the same thing? In reality, that’s …read more…
Wait, that’s not quite the story I want to tell. The story I want to tell is that a long time ago, I decided to have my own website, and not long thereafter, I decided to do a podcast or two, mainly to see if I could. (It turned out that I could.) Uh-oh. The …read more…
I ran into this thread in the DreamHost forum the other day: A Better Payment Process Hi DH, As someone who tends to have something to renew on a monthly basis, the payment process is incredibly frustrating. I used to have a form prefiller configured for the payment page, but now that DH has switched …read more…
So, a few months ago, this happened… Let’s talk about what this actually means. First of all, remember that when someone gives you something for free, such as Twitter, or Facebook, you are not the user. You are the product. Your actions are tracked, and that data is used to sell ads to companies who …read more…
I’m writing this post at the library, because I don’t have internet access at home. I don’t have internet access at home because AT&T cut it off on Tuesday because I hadn’t paid the bill. I don’t blame them one bit for this, because paying the bill is my responsibility, and since I didn’t have …read more…
In general, I am loathe to put a lot of links on this blog because a lot of them just die faster than the speed of meme. But sometimes I come across stuff that I could share on Twitter or Facebook, but that’s a lot of work keeping track of all of that, and someone …read more…
I was really looking forward to the latest Star Trek movie (i.e., the one from Jar Jar Abrams), but it turned out to be just a tired retread of the last Star Trek movie: ugly Romulans (read: foreigners, illegal aliens, Arabs, people from India, Muslims, people with beards, Mexicans, Democrats, people with turbans, people with …read more…
Finally got through a couple of posts I had started earlier and never got around to finishing. So I finished them and posted them. If you’ve been following the RSS feed for this blog, then you might have noticed them just suddenly showing up in the feed. Sorry if your universe is wobbly as a …read more…
Welcome to a very special edition of Cherry-flavored Pez. Wow, that sounds a lot like “And tonight, a very special episode of Blossom.” I promise, though, that Dudley and I aren’t going to take our shirts off for the friendly bicycle repairman. If you think this episode stinks, you’re probably right. It’s way too long …read more…
Yesterday, I read on NPR that the stock market actually went down because Wall Street was worried about an economic slowdown. I don’t get it. We spent billions of dollars to bail out Wall Street, because their economy is basically our economy—Main Street just doesn’t matter any more, apparently. Reading this article made me realize …read more…