Posts contained in the “Modern Life” category:

Items from my life, and therefore, completely boring.

Notes for Young Pioneers

Because of $reasons, I have a lot of young people in my life right now who are taking their first steps into the bigger, adult world. A handful of them have asked me for various bits of advice, and because I like to write and also because I hate repeating myself (there are more efficient …read more…

The Forest of Spam, Part 4

Just a few things I noticed when looking through my spam folder.

What’s Left…

I wrote earlier about the flood that destroyed about a third of my possessions (books, mostly). Until last weekend, I still had two boxes to go through, and I have been dreading doing so. Box one is mostly memorabilia and decorations from Mexico. I still haven’t gotten into that one yet, and when I do, …read more…

All the potatoes belong to us now…


I had a minor health scare that put me in the hospital last Friday. Everyone at work thought I was having a “cardiac event”, so off I went to the hospital. Believe me, there’s nothing—and I am now an expert in this, so you can take this as gospel—absolutely nothing like spending six hours in …read more…

2018 Goals

I learned long ago not to make New Year’s Eve resolutions because they are just something you make in a drunken haze at what is, possibly, the worst night of the year to make decisions. If anything, our culture these days almost encourages people to make bad resolutions or to abandon good ones, just so …read more…

Because Flowcharts Make Everything Clearer

via GIPHY I saw this on John Scalzi’s website and thought it was so brilliant that it was worth copying, except for two things: That would involve actual work. Self-appointed copyright experts would come out of the woodwork to tell me that I’m violating his copyright, which I would not be if I made my own, …read more…

70s Music Break, part 2

Brent Rambo approves by giving a thumbs up and nodding his head.

As a follow-up to my first 70s music break post, here’s some more damn music. I’ve gotta admit, I don’t really remember that one all that well. But it has all the hallmarks of 70s music: polyester, bell bottoms, family quintets, and a real Brady Bunch vibe. To be honest, it’s not a bad song, …read more…

70s Music Break


We need a little break. Here, enjoy some great music. Redbone is probably the best known American Indian rock band. It’s sad they’re not more widely recognized. The Commodores were amazing! I could listen to all their music over and over again. Santana on guitar, Alex Ligertwood on vocals. Great song. This is not the …read more…

Protected: rogue waves, again

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Moving, Again

I have moved again, hopefully for the last time for a bit. I need to catch my breath. I’ll be at this place for a bit, because while it’s not the best place ever, it is roomy. I have a smallish, but perfectly functional kitchen and dining room (complete with an icemaker—time to start making …read more…

A list of things about the new apartment…

My boss asked me the other day what I thought of my new apartment, and that question created a bit of an overload in my brain, so I gave him an inane, but socially acceptable, response. Here is a list of things I’ve noticed about my new apartment. The recycling gets picked up on Wednesday. …read more…

Miscellany #006

When You Are Clearly Overqualified for the Dance Contest If you can’t see the video above, it’s because DreamHost has once again decided to fuck some of its customers, and not in a good way. Do not use DreamHost. While they are sometimes good (and used to be great) they are often a shitstorm of incompetence …read more…

If You Follow Me on Social Media

This is a quick guide to all the places you can find me on social media and what to expect when you finally get there.

NSFW/NSFS. You have been warned.