Posts contained in the “Modern Life” category:

Items from my life, and therefore, completely boring.

If You Follow Me on Social Media

This is a quick guide to all the places you can find me on social media and what to expect when you finally get there.

NSFW/NSFS. You have been warned.

Today is Monday, July 3, 2017

Here are ten things. Enjoy. 1. I spent Canada Day like a true American That is, I spent most of the day shopping. It wasn’t my choice, but there you are. Eventually, all Americans end up at the mall and/or the liquor store. 2. I woke up alone and embarrassed… I had jury duty earlier …read more…

Ditto Machines Were the Real Deal

Unfortunately, you can’t get that distinctive smell from a video. It was marvelous.

Biology Class Files

I was going through some old boxes, and I found a handful of old biology class handouts from college. Looking through them, I realized how much fun I had being a biology major, mainly because it involved traipsing through some fairly wild countryside. At any rate, I decided to scan them and put them online. …read more…

Incidents in the Experience of White Privilege

White picket fence

A good friend of mine recently sent me a link to “What I Told My White Friend When He Asked For My Black Opinion On White Privilege” by Lori Lakin Hutcherson, the editor of Good Black News, and said that as a result of reading it, he finally understood what white privilege is. In that …read more…

Miscellany #005

I have to admit, I’ve tried this once before. Actually, I’ve tried it two—no, three times before. Well, the fourth time is the charm, isn’t it? Actually, I’m still reluctant about links, which is weird, because the whole point of the web is links. Links are why Tim Berners-Lee (god, I can’t wait to see …read more…

The Ongoing Saga of the Cream Cheese

Every once in a while, one of my coworkers will get up fifteen minutes early, stop by our local Temple of Bread, and pick up three dozen bagels and some cream cheese to share with the rest of us. For fifteen or twenty minutes they are our hero, but then, bagels devoured, we slink off …read more…

Spring Break in Leningrad

A short while ago, I bought one of those all-in-one printer/scanner/fax/copier machines. (An Epson Workforce 3640, to be precise.) I mostly wanted it because it has an ADF (automatic document feeder) that duplexes, meaning that I could quickly scan double-sided documents, which would considerably speed up scanning—no more putting the sheet in the scanner, scanning, …read more…

Wait and See…

In the days after the election, I had many white friends who reacted to my dismay and outrage by saying that we would just have to “wait and see” what Trump would do. They reminded me that a lot of things get said in the heat of an election, which is true—President Obama and Secretary …read more…

This is How 2016 Went For Me So many people I loved died this year. And then we elected Cheetoh Jesus, a potential Russian plant. Jeebus, I’m going to be busy in the coming year.

The Year of Saying Goodbye

It seems that 2016 was the year to say good-bye—a lot. In fact, 2016 was especially hard on celebrities: David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Patty Duke, Merle Haggard, Garry Shandling, Anton Yelchin, Natalie Cole, Prince, Gene Wilder, Muhammed Ali, Glenn Frey, Harper Lee all passed away in 2016. I doubt there is any statistical significance here; …read more…

…migrants of servers in the silicon crack of history…

Bat migrating

The server migration is complete…almost. Last night, I transferred CNAME records from my old host to my new host, WebFaction. While I was on my WebFaction control panel, I also recreated the email addresses that I would need. (There were some I had created that I never used, so I was able to pare the …read more…

Goodbye, DreamHost, mostly

I ran into this thread in the DreamHost forum the other day: A Better Payment Process Hi DH, As someone who tends to have something to renew on a monthly basis, the payment process is incredibly frustrating. I used to have a form prefiller configured for the payment page, but now that DH has switched …read more…