This is why we can’t have nice things…

Well, half of it is, anyway.

Chewbacca says…

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.

John Muir

Published on 10 May 2012 at 6:00 am

If only all negotiations went this well…

Not quite what you think…

No, it’s not.

Best cartoon ever!

Darth and the boys at Disney…

Darth, you just destroyed the Rebel Alliance. Where are you going next? Disneyland!

The Forest of Spam, Part 1

Sometimes I just get tired of dealing with certain things… I use Akismet on all my blogs to deal with comment spam. Even though WordPress automatically adds the nofollow tag to any link in its comments, and therefore those links do absolutely nothing for your SEO, there are still people stupid enough to spam my …read more…

Ann Romney

I don’t like to get too political, but I saw this on Facebook and just had to laugh. That about explains all the differences between us and them.

…a funny thing happened on the way to Google Images…

If you’ve ever seen the movie Stand By Me, you’ll remember a wonderful scene where Gordie (played by Wil Wheaton) is pretending to shoot a gun owned by Chris’s dad. Having been reassured by Chris (played by River Phoenix) that the gun was unloaded, he pulls the trigger, blasting a hole in a garbage can …read more…

…dang, that is kinda funny…

This is oddly addictive: I first saw this over on The Bedroom List (an awesome blog, btw, but probably NSFS). Please Leave On, the creator of this video, is Canadian. Yeah! If you can’t get enough of that, here’s another one. Don’t take the long way; you might miss it!

…it’s a part of my rock and roll fantasy…

It just will never get cooler than this. I wish I could remember where I found this image. Bonus: two of these people are Canucks. Can you guess which ones?

For some reason, I needed to hear Devo’s “Whip It”, so I headed over to YouTube and found this:

“Whip It!” by Devo

I was just a kid when that song came out, but I still love it. The video is a little questionable, though—slightly racist, slightly misogynistic. Still, gotta love that song.

I had to make that a link, because embedding of that video has been disabled at the request of Devo, which is a bit of a pisser, because it’s not taking anything away from them for people to watch a video hosted on their YouTube channel which is displayed here. Hosers.

Published on 4 April 2012 at 1:00 pm