In the days after the election, I had many white friends who reacted to my dismay and outrage by saying that we would just have to “wait and see” what Trump would do. They reminded me that a lot of things get said in the heat of an election, which is true—President Obama and Secretary …read more…
This is How 2016 Went For Me So many people I loved died this year. And then we elected Cheetoh Jesus, a potential Russian plant. Jeebus, I’m going to be busy in the coming year.
The Year of Saying Goodbye

It seems that 2016 was the year to say good-bye—a lot. In fact, 2016 was especially hard on celebrities: David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Patty Duke, Merle Haggard, Garry Shandling, Anton Yelchin, Natalie Cole, Prince, Gene Wilder, Muhammed Ali, Glenn Frey, Harper Lee all passed away in 2016. I doubt there is any statistical significance here; …read more…
Project Wideawake #010

Welcome to episode #10 of Project Wideawake—bringing you music you won’t find on your radio. As before, we have new and improved production values. If you are upset about the delay between podcasts, just keep thinking “new and improved production values, new and improved production values…” This episode’s music: “Too Much Information” by Heifervescent …read more…
…migrants of servers in the silicon crack of history…

The server migration is complete…almost. Last night, I transferred CNAME records from my old host to my new host, WebFaction. While I was on my WebFaction control panel, I also recreated the email addresses that I would need. (There were some I had created that I never used, so I was able to pare the …read more…
People I No Longer Take Seriously

In this difficult election year, I’ve decided to make my life simple by not taking certain people seriously any more. People I No Longer Take Seriously: The guy that invented the word “webinar” Anyone who’s trying to keep up with the Kardashians Kardashians Anyone who thinks wrestling is real and climate change is not Anyone who describes …read more…
Goodbye, DreamHost, mostly
I ran into this thread in the DreamHost forum the other day: A Better Payment Process Hi DH, As someone who tends to have something to renew on a monthly basis, the payment process is incredibly frustrating. I used to have a form prefiller configured for the payment page, but now that DH has switched …read more…
Math in America

So yesterday, I tweeted this: OMG America, please learn math. — Professor O (@iswpw) September 4, 2016 Here’s the story behind that tweet: Yesterday I went to Target and bought a few miscellaneous office supplies, because office supplies are good and cheap office supplies are even better. My order came to $3.32. I handed the …read more…
“Sweet Child of Mine” performed by The Bassmonsters
Upright basses and cellos are the original heavy metal instruments.
Goodbye, Instagram

So, a few months ago, this happened… Let’s talk about what this actually means. First of all, remember that when someone gives you something for free, such as Twitter, or Facebook, you are not the user. You are the product. Your actions are tracked, and that data is used to sell ads to companies who …read more…
I’ve been having a lot of conversations with people (who are mostly not people of color) about racism. Given the current political situation in the United States, how could I not? Unfortunately, I keep hearing the same tired arguments (“I’m color blind”, “everyone’s oppressed in some way”). More people need to read this:
Things Not To Say As a White Person When Talking About Racism (Updated)
Spicy Bean Soup

So this happened today: This was today. Snow. It should have been yesterday. So I made some soup. 93/366 #spring #saturday #nofilter #snow #366posts #winter A photo posted by Kenneth John Odle (@notcuriousanymore) on Apr 2, 2016 at 12:26pm PDT And here I was, getting used to spring-like weather. Because I am feeling somewhat under …read more…
The Self-Confident Man
The man of self-confidence is often a compelling figure. Driven and focused, he is committed to bringing the world into line with his vision of how it should be. He may genuinely believe that his vision for the world is a good one, that the world will be a better place if he can shape …read more…