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freelance follies, part one point six

Earlier, I wrote about the quick response I got from TextBroker. In that post, I noted how even though it was taking them forever to rate my articles, they were able to respond to my email in less than 24 hours. Here’s where it gets weird. A couple of weeks after they sent me that …read more…

digital man…

which superhero are you?

So I took this quiz thing on the internet (which means it is completely legitimate and totally accurate, right?) Your results: You are Green Lantern Green Lantern 75% Superman 65% The Flash 65% Spider-Man 60% Batman 60% Supergirl 60% Robin 50% Hulk 50% Iron Man 50% Wonder Woman 30% Catwoman 25% Hot-headed. You have strong …read more…

Friday Links #1

In general, I am loathe to put a lot of links on this blog because a lot of them just die faster than the speed of meme. But sometimes I come across stuff that I could share on Twitter or Facebook, but that’s a lot of work keeping track of all of that, and someone …read more…

$1200 worth of adventures in retail-land

Today was officially a good day, since I had a job interview after work, and was immediately offered the position. Good things about this job: It’s for a very good company (I checked this out) that has an excellent retention rate. It’s retail, and I got mad skillz at working retail, because I have really …read more…

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.

Charles Darwin

Published on 13 November 2011 at 8:25 pm

introducing…Vice President Pikachu!

As an example of the level that political discourse has sunk to in the United States (in which it is no longer necessary for those aspiring to the presidency to bother to check their sources), Herman Cain has told audiences (more than once apparently): “A poet once said, ‘life can be a challenge, life can …read more…

freelance follies, part one point five

Earlier, I wrote about my less than satisfactory experience with TextBroker. In the interest of fairness, I sent them a message just after I published that initial post. This is what I said: When I log in, your front page states: “As soon as we receive an article from you we evaluate it. Your rating …read more…

…i will be collating all weekend long…

I am still tweaking this blog. I have finally got the appearance the way I want it, and although I am still tweaking bits and pieces of it, I believe most of my work is done there. Now, on to the structure. I am starting with the menus. Using Kalin’s Post List plugin, I am …read more…

freelance follies, part one

I said a while ago that I was going to explore various online freelancing opportunities to see how much money I could make with them. The first one I tried was TextBroker. It’s pretty straightforward, really: you sign up, and look through lists of articles that people want you to write in order to make …read more…

Hoarfrost Morning

I awoke one morning last December to a magical scene: the entire world covered in hoarfrost. I got out and got as many pictures as possible, but hoarfrost is a very temporary entity at best, and difficult to photograph on a sunny day. These are the best of perhaps twenty photographs I took that morning …read more…

i have a qr code…

…and it looks like this: I have no idea what to do with it. Just put it on some stickers and then put them all over the place, maybe.

how not to carve your pumpkins…

Happy Halloween!